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Terms and Conditions

Last updated on April 13, 2024

Welcome to our Mental Health Service. These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of our mental health services. By engaging with our services, you must accept these terms in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms, we kindly ask you to refrain from utilizing our services.

1. Service Description

  • Our services include counseling, therapy, and support sessions provided by well-trained mental health professionals. The nature and duration of services will be discussed and agreed upon during the initial consultation.

2. Client Responsibilities

  • Clients must provide accurate and honest information about their name, age, mental health history, and current concerns.
  • Clients must adhere to scheduled session times and provide sufficient notice for cancellations or rescheduling.

3. Confidentiality

  • All information shared during sessions is confidential unless there is a risk of harm to the client or others. In such cases, appropriate authorities may be notified.

4. Payment and Fees

  • Clients are required to make pre-payments for scheduled sessions or services before the commencement of the session. Payment can be made through the provided online payment methods on the website.
  • Late payment after the session will not be allowed.

5. Cancellation and No-Show Policy

  • Clients must provide at least 24 hours notice for session cancellations. No-show may be subject to a fee.

6. Refund Policy

  • Refunds, if applicable, are subject to the terms outlined in our separate refund policy.

7. Intellectual Property

  • Materials provided during sessions, including such as documents, assessments, and resources, are the intellectual property of our mental health service and may not be reproduced or distributed without explicit permission.

8. Termination of Services

  • We reserve the right to terminate services if a client poses a risk to themselves or others, engages in disruptive behavior, or fails to adhere to these terms and conditions.

9. Content and Conduct

  • Appropriate Content: All discussions, materials, and interactions within sessions must be appropriate and in compliance with the principles of therapeutic engagement. Any attempt to use the services for explicit or inappropriate content will result in the termination of services.
  • Avoidance of Explicit Material: Clients are strictly prohibited from sharing, discussing, or engaging in any inappropriate content during sessions.
  • Respectful Communication: Clients are expected to maintain respectful and professional communication, refraining from any language or behavior of inappropriate nature.

10. Changes to Terms

  • We reserve the right to modify or replace these terms and conditions at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting.

11. Contact Information

  • For questions or concerns regarding these Terms and conditions, please contact us at info@shylajapsychologist.in

By engaging with our mental health services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined above.

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